Sunday, March 26, 2006

2006 MLB Predictions

2006 MLB Predictions by Ralph C. on 03/26/2006

AL East

New York 95-67: Until I see a full season of stumbling, they're the pick.
Boston 92-70: The pitching should work out fine, and so will the offense.
Toronto 84-78: Early-season thrills, late-season spills.
Baltimore 76-86: In order for a pitching coach to be effective, he's got to have some talent to work with.
Tampa Bay 70-92: Ninth verse, same as the first!

AL Central

Chicago 94-68: Less wins, similar results (for the regular-season, at least).
Cleveland 90-72: One more year…. One more year.
Minnesota 81-81: Not enough offense. Pitching can only help so much.
Detroit 68-94: Alan Trammell managed for three seasons-- when does Lou Whitaker get his shot??
Kansas City 61-101: Well, the veterans can teach the youngsters how to cope with losing.

AL West

Oakland 89-73: Just feels like it's time again, doesn't it? Well, I do, anyway….
Los Angeles 86-75: The big story? The last hurrah for Tim Salmon.
Texas 77-85: Vince Young might have the best arm in Texas-- unless Rog drops in.
Seattle 67-95: King Felix, Ichiro…. And what else? Anyone? Anyone?

NL East

New York 90-72: The division will be won when the Mets trade for their "Don Sutton".
Atlanta 86-76: Hey, it has to end sometime, and why can't this be the year? Who's with me??
Philadelphia 82-80: Wins go down, experience for the younger players goes up.
Washington 75-87: G.W. Bush's approval rating won't be the only thing to go down this year….
Florida 70-92: Out with the old, in with the new. See you in 2008, Marlins.

NL Central

St. Louis 93-69: Still the best team in this division, hands down.
Houston 85-77: Bagwell's career is over. Is Biggio's end far behind? Good pitching, though.
Milwaukee 83-79: Slow and steady wins the race-- if the race ends in 2008.
Chicago 71-91: Same ol' Cubs, same ol' Cubs. Even after the Dust settles….
Pittsburgh 65-97: Lookin' good-- in April. It's the rest of the season that'll kill ya.
Cincinnati 63-99: Griffey, Jr. will be out of here before September.

NL West

Los Angeles 86-76: Just enough to win this division, just enough.
Arizona 82-80: Patience is a virtue, and it helps when you have good young prospects.
San Diego 77-85: Skin of their teeth in 2005, not enough flesh for 2006.
San Francisco 74-88: Bonds' loss in court is only the beginning….
Colorado 68-94: I have decided that I think this franchise will never be in the World Series. Never.

AL Champion: New York Yankees
NL Champion: New York Mets

World Champions: New York Mets


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't underestimate the Cleveland Indians...........they are looking good and I am not even a fan...

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dad, God Rest his soul, took me to my first game in 1969 as a small child and said proudly, This team, the NY Mets, "is going to win a world series". That same year, my cousin John, the Center for the NY Jets, won a Superbowl. Many years later I root for all NY teams, and I think this will be the Yankees year would love to see another Subway Series like in 2000

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While i think the Braves could go down this year I think ur over-estimating the Mets and underestimating the Phillies...

It's still going to be a 3 way crap shoot, the differnce is that the Mets need all their peices to come together like it should (and there are a lot of those) to have a serious shot,

while the Braves and Philes had minimal changes to the line ups, and both have better younger talents.

That combined with the Met's spending spree means that the Mets will probably be having a lot more trouble making decent trades and /or couping with injuries or failed experiments... while the Philes and Braves certainly have enough chips left to try and mend their holes (closer and back end rotation for the braves... another half decent starter for the Phillies)

Dodgers might win the West.. but it's going to be almost as ugly as last year if not more... where half the division #3s woulda been the champ in this division... case in point? Nomar is already hurt AND they had realesed Choi.. GG dodger.

9:19 PM  

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