Sunday, March 26, 2006

2006 MLB Predictions

2006 MLB Predictions by Ralph C. on 03/26/2006

AL East

New York 95-67: Until I see a full season of stumbling, they're the pick.
Boston 92-70: The pitching should work out fine, and so will the offense.
Toronto 84-78: Early-season thrills, late-season spills.
Baltimore 76-86: In order for a pitching coach to be effective, he's got to have some talent to work with.
Tampa Bay 70-92: Ninth verse, same as the first!

AL Central

Chicago 94-68: Less wins, similar results (for the regular-season, at least).
Cleveland 90-72: One more year…. One more year.
Minnesota 81-81: Not enough offense. Pitching can only help so much.
Detroit 68-94: Alan Trammell managed for three seasons-- when does Lou Whitaker get his shot??
Kansas City 61-101: Well, the veterans can teach the youngsters how to cope with losing.

AL West

Oakland 89-73: Just feels like it's time again, doesn't it? Well, I do, anyway….
Los Angeles 86-75: The big story? The last hurrah for Tim Salmon.
Texas 77-85: Vince Young might have the best arm in Texas-- unless Rog drops in.
Seattle 67-95: King Felix, Ichiro…. And what else? Anyone? Anyone?

NL East

New York 90-72: The division will be won when the Mets trade for their "Don Sutton".
Atlanta 86-76: Hey, it has to end sometime, and why can't this be the year? Who's with me??
Philadelphia 82-80: Wins go down, experience for the younger players goes up.
Washington 75-87: G.W. Bush's approval rating won't be the only thing to go down this year….
Florida 70-92: Out with the old, in with the new. See you in 2008, Marlins.

NL Central

St. Louis 93-69: Still the best team in this division, hands down.
Houston 85-77: Bagwell's career is over. Is Biggio's end far behind? Good pitching, though.
Milwaukee 83-79: Slow and steady wins the race-- if the race ends in 2008.
Chicago 71-91: Same ol' Cubs, same ol' Cubs. Even after the Dust settles….
Pittsburgh 65-97: Lookin' good-- in April. It's the rest of the season that'll kill ya.
Cincinnati 63-99: Griffey, Jr. will be out of here before September.

NL West

Los Angeles 86-76: Just enough to win this division, just enough.
Arizona 82-80: Patience is a virtue, and it helps when you have good young prospects.
San Diego 77-85: Skin of their teeth in 2005, not enough flesh for 2006.
San Francisco 74-88: Bonds' loss in court is only the beginning….
Colorado 68-94: I have decided that I think this franchise will never be in the World Series. Never.

AL Champion: New York Yankees
NL Champion: New York Mets

World Champions: New York Mets